Tuesday 24 May 2011

Life goes too quickly...

Not a day goes by where I don't think of something I should blog about. But then I remind myself that I don't need to write down every single step of my/our life (that or someone else reminds me!)....and now I find myself blogging every few weeks (at least on this blog).

It's very easy to say I'll write tomorrow and then tomorrow becomes next week, and so on. When you are chasing 2 little boys around all day, sometimes the energy to blog at the end of the day just isn't there (plus that is when I usually write in my other blog). Anyway, I apologize for not keeping up to date on here. I'm trying, but time slips by too often!

Life is the same craziness as usual. This past week-end we had a garage sale. The boys were pretty good about letting go of some of their toys, old clothes, shoes, etc. Some things I thought should be put up for sale remain in the house (still barely touched), but overall they were great about giving things up. They even had a little sale of their own - selling juice boxes and cereal bars. They raked in $7.50!!! Good work boys!

This past week-end we also went to the baptism of my sweet little neice Avery. She looked like a pretty little princess in her dress. Following the baptism, we went back to Avery's for her very first tea party. A few of us wore fancy hats, we drank out of fine china, and we ate miniature sandwiches and cupcakes. Such fun! I may not have a girl of my own, but I am lucky to have 3 little neices to enjoy and get my girly fix through!

Yesterday Mike brewed 2 batches of beer at the house. I can't wait to try the kiwi wit beer! Yum! See - I'm not the only one in the house that likes to make things from scratch!

This week we are trying to get the house back in order before we skip town to Aunt Mindy's. What fun we'll have on Thursday - 3 cousins and 6 kids. Can't wait! Then Friday marks the official countdown until holidays. This will be our first LONG trip with the boys (9-10 days away from home). Everyone is excited and awaiting the fun!

Well, that's enough of an update for now. I shall try to post before we leave for holidays and then of course blog about our trip. Bye for now!

Saturday 7 May 2011

The ants go marching....

Two cute stories to post about Dylan today. I keep chuckling to myself about both of these.....

1 - Yesterday Mike saw Dylan sitting on the ground looking down at something and giggling. He asked him what was so funny, to which Dylan replied "I just saw an ant carrying a piece of food, so I stole the food and ate it! ha ha ha." :) :) :)

2 - Tonight we went out for ice cream and were sitting on a bench near the door to the ice cream shop. A woman came along carrying a cigarrette that she was finished with. Dylan doesn't really know what cigarrettes are, so he watched her go up to the side of the garbage can near the door and push the butt into it to put the cigarrette out. As soon as he saw this, he looked at me with such worry and said (loud enough for the woman to hear) - "Mommy, she is lighting that on fire!!!"  :) :) :)

Thursday 5 May 2011

Puppy Love

Last night, out of nowhere, Dylan asks me - "Mommy, what will happen to Brook and Cedar when all of us die? Will they go back to the pet store so someone else can have a turn with them?"

I was stunned by the question and didn't have the heart to tell him the truth.....the subject was quickly changed! So sweet, yet so sad :(

Something I don't want to think about.....and it's too soon to start preparing the boys (I hope!!!), so let's hope he doesn't bring it up again!