Wednesday 2 March 2011

The apple doesn't fall far....

Both of my kids are brilliant. But that was to be expected, considering who their parents are ;)

(Yah that's right. This is MY blog, so I can call it as I see it....I mean, write what I want)

Here is a little example of how incredibly advanced my 2-year-old's mind is:

Now that Spring is approaching, the boys and I have been talking about planting our spring garden. We discussed that we will go to the store, pick out our seeds, then plant them in the new garden in the backyard and wait for the plants to grow. Both boys are thrilled about this, and have acutally been talking about it since before Christmas! We had a tiny (pathetic excuse of a) garden at our old house. The new yard here will offer much more space to grow things.
Anyway, over the last few weeks, everytime we eat apples, Dylan (who is 4) asks about the seeds inside. They are learning about the connection between fruit (or vegetable) > seed > more fruit. Darwin (2) always asks to hold them. I didn't think much of it, and would give him the seeds to hold. I guess I never paid attention to the fact that the seeds always disappeared. That is until I discovered something in Darwin's closet yesterday. He has a small lid, turned upside down, in the back corner, filled with all of these apple seeds he's been "collecting". He watched me as I found his stash, and immediately said with the proudest smile on his face "See, Mommy? Now we can grow an apple tree when the snow melts!"

Oh, my little Darwin.......I doubt you will ever know how incredibly cute you are! And just how amazingly brilliant that little mind of yours is, even at only 2 years (28 months) old!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely adorable! Their minds are amazing indeed.
